A Must Read ...
But know that the Lord hath set apart him that is godly for Himself; the Lord will hear when I call unto Him. (Psalms 4:3)
These are truly days when we are facing challenges and distractions on every hand. It seems as if the issues and pleasures of life keep pulling for our attention, attempting to get us away from spending time with the lover of our souls, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ask the average believer if they spend time with God in His Word and prayer everyday, and you may be very surprised at the answers you receive. It is a sad fact that many of us do not make time to spend with God everyday, when He is truly the author and finisher of our faith.
I personally believe and know that much of our distractions come from the enemy of our souls. Think about it: Have you ever noticed that when you determine you will make time for God, things have a pattern of showing up, unexpected things, which if you allow them to, will pull you away from your decision for the Word and prayer that day.
Now you may think a day does not matter. And that is exactly what the devil would want you to think. It is his intention to hinder you, if you let him, from spending time with Jesus today. And then, when tomorrow becomes today, he will attempt to do so again. And each day, as it comes, will prove to be the same distractions, which come for the purpose of hindering your time of communion and the sweet and necessary fellowship with Father God in His Word and Prayer.
To this end, I would like to help you understand how vital it is for you and I to make the time to spend with God each day. This is very important to you, and to the Father. He wants to spend time with you. And He longs for your fellowship more than you may realize. He loves you so.
I have written a book that I strongly believe comes from The Father’s Heart to yours. It is a different kind of book. It is written in the first person as if God Himself is having a conversation with you, One on one. Various people have told me that I may have penned the words, but I did not write this book. One person even told me that she read the book three times and treasures it so much that she even refuses to lend it to one of her employees.
People have told me that they could hear the Heart of God speaking to them as they read. And one lady has even said that she is reading it real slow, simply because she does not want it to end.
Available here: www.sheldondnewton.org
Get your copy today. And please share this message with those you know who need to hear a word from the Heart of The Father. Be a blessing to them today.
Bro. Sheldon
Christian Book Blasts by CBM Christian Book Marketing.
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