Make The Discovery

Book Title: Discovering Treasure
Christian Author Crystal Mary Lindsey
A Christian Book Review
10.0 out of 10.0 stars
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In her new Christian Novel, Discovering Treasure by Crystal Mary Lindsey, the author brings the limelight of the roaring 20’s, coupled with the Great Depression in a fantastic blend of love, romance, new beginnings wrapped around a theme of seeking the Kingdom of God first and laying up treasures in heaven.

Treasure Gilroy, as the main character, leaving her life of fame and fortune as a model for New York, London and Paris, is headed for the Australian outback. Seeking a new start, after receiving her late grandmother’s inheritance, Treasure sets off on a journey to discovery of herself. Within that, she discovers love and that leaving the past behind for a new life in God is possible.

With many twists and turns, readers will understand that where their heart is, there is also their treasure. This a wonderful Christian fiction novel that gives light and hope amidst life’s turmoil that ends in goodness and seeking the Lord. With a gift of insight into spiritual matters, the author takes readers on journey of the heart to find the treasure that lies within them, encouraging them to seek God and that “good” can come out of life’s journeys. Mixed with teachings on love and forgiveness, the author displays the sanctity of marriage as to be revered, and friendships and helping the poor to be an honor.

Reading this novel will help bring light and wholeness into your own life, as you consider your own journey with God and with the people you love. We all like happy endings, and indeed this Christian romance has happy endings for all the characters involved. You will not be disappointed with this uplifting romance!  A recommended must read for those on a journey of the heart.

Finding God's Grace In Times of Need

Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy (favor, love-gifts), and find grace to help in time of need.     

Many Christians have claimed that they have bombarded the gates of Heaven when they prayed.  The gates are not locked so you do not have to bombard them.  Perhaps the person who has this attitude has the feeling that the Lord is not hearing his prayer.  Pay attention to the promises.  

God is expecting you to come boldly to the throne of grace, because He wants to meet your needs.  He wants you to have complete confidence in Him.     

Talk to God frequently, build an intimate relationship with Him.  He is a loving Heavenly Father, and He wants to meet your needs.  There may be times when your earthly father only pays attention when you provoke him, but not so with your Heavenly Father.  The divine hope in you is expecting Him to honor His Word.